Accessibility Statement:
The Port Alberni Port Authority (PAPA) recognizes the importance of inclusive workplaces and facilities that are accessible for all individuals, including those with disabilities. We are committed to striving towards a barrier free environment. We recognize that accessibility is a journey, consistently changing
with advances in technology and other influences. We are committed to continuous improvement through evaluating our accessibility plan every three years, incorporating new technologies and user feedback. We will continue to educate and train our staff on the best practices for an accessible and
inclusive workplace, as well as providing these services to the public.

The Port Authority strives to have an accessible and inclusive workplace. Current aging infrastructure is our main physical barrier to having an accessible work area. Due to the nature of some of our employment positions, certain Bona Fide Operational Requirements (BFOR) must be met. However, we are inclusive with hiring within those limitations. An example is that we have a working partnership with the Port Alberni Association for Community Living (PAACL), and each year we hire one to two individuals through their work program. We also commit to increasing our accessibility awareness training across our staff.

Built Environment

Head Office (2750 Harbour Road)
Description of Facility: This building was built in the 1960s. Success at this location includes a ramp to
our downstairs meeting room.

Barriers Actions Timelines
– Stairs to front door
– Stairs to second floor
Due to the nature and age of
the building, investing in a lift is
not feasible. Explore other
options to create accessible
environment on the first floor
Next 5 years
– Port Authority main
office has no designated
accessible parking
Designate an accessible parking spot
Investigate future
configurations for current
parking lot, keeping in mind size
and requirement for accessible
Next 3 years
– Upstairs washrooms are
not accessible as they
are up a flight of stairs
and are very narrow.
Downstairs washroom is
larger, however does
not have automatic
door opener,
automated features or
modified sinks
Explore options for making
downstairs washroom
Next 3 years
– As this is a secure
facility, none of our
doors have automatic
door openers
Investigate the possibility of
having automatic door openers
that integrating with our
security system
Next 3 years
Quiet Space
– There is no designated
quiet space for
employee with
neurodivergent and
other disabilities
Explore the possibility of having
a quiet space
Next 3 years

The Dock+ (3140 Harbour Road)
Description of Facility: This building was built in 1950 as a fish processing plant and has had multiple additions until the mid 1980s’s. In 2020, with funds from the provincial government and other sources, the facility was refurbished into a Food Hub, with seven processing spaces and a commercial kitchen. Success in this facility includes the installation of grip tape on the stairs, and two handrails. Most doors are wide enough to get through easily. We just received funding for upgrading The Dock+ facility, and with it we’ll take steps to ensure that expansion is up to accessibility codes. The Icehouse was built in 1983 and is not accessible to the public. The interior is also not accessible, however the ability to shovel ice is BFOR and therefore does not require upgrades.

Barriers Actions Timelines
– Stairs to the second floor
and between the second
Due to the nature and age of
the building, investing in a lift is
not feasible. Explore other
options to create accessible
environment one the first floor
Next 5 years
– No designated Parking Spots
Designate accessible parking spots Next 3 years
– No accessible washrooms
Investigate options for
improving current washrooms
to accessible standards
Next 5 years
– All different sizes
– No automatic door openers
Investigate the possibility of
having automatic door openers
that integrating with our
security system
Next 5 years

Fishermen’s Harbour (800-3140 Harbour Road)
Description of Facility: Fishermen’s Harbour is a commercial fishing dock, operated by the Port Alberni
Port Authority on behalf of Small Craft Harbours. The docks are made with wood and cement, and have
the capacity for moorage of up to 500 vessels with rafting. Successes at this location include a ramp to
an accessible washroom and the office.

Barriers Actions Timelines
– The door to the floats
remains locked, no
automatic door openers
Investigate the possibility of
having automatic door openers
that integrating with our
security system
Next 5 years
– The ramp to the docks
has rungs on it to prevent slipping, however it
provides a barrier to those who use accessibility aids with wheels.
– Gangways are steep
Explore accessible gangway
options to increase accessibility
of the docks
Next 5 years

Tyee Landing (3300 Tyee Landing)
Description of Facility: Tyee Landing is a recreational marina and is home to the Royal Canadian Marine
Search and Rescue base as well as Tseshaht First Nation agency vessels. This location also has a fuel
service station. Successes at this location include wide wooden docks, and a wide smooth gangway off
the accessible boardwalk.

Barriers Actions Timelines
– Currently, there are no
accessible designated
parking spots available
Due to the nature and age of
the building, investing in a lift is
not feasible. Explore other
options to create accessible
environment one the first floor
Next 2 years
– In the evenings, the main
door to the gangway is
locked and does not have
an automatic door
Investigate the possibility of
having automatic door openers
that integrating with our
security system
Next 5 years
Rest Benches
– There are a few benches
on the boardwalk around
Tyee Landing
Explore the feasibility of adding
more rest benches to the area
Next 5 years

Harbour Quay (2900 Harbour Road)
Description of Facility: Harbour Quay is a recreational marina with 2,000 lineal feet of side-tie moorage.
The Harbour Quay Boardroom is also at this facility.

Barriers Actions Timelines
– The door to the gangway
is narrow and locked.
Investigate the possibility of
having automatic door openers
that integrating with our
security system, construction
costs to widen entry
Next 5 years
– Gangway has rungs
Explore accessible gangway
options to increase accessibility
of the docks
Next 5 years
– Boardroom washroom
not accessible
Explore options to make
washroom accessible
Next 3 years

Clutesi Haven (5104 River Road):
Description of Facility: Clutesi Haven is a recreational marina operated by Port Alberni Port Authority on behalf of the City of Port Alberni with 165 moorage spaces. Located on the Somass River, the site also has a boat launch and a food truck pavilion, with ramp access, in the public spaces. Successes include having a fully accessible washroom, three designated accessible parking spots and an accessible office window for customers.

Barriers Actions Timelines
Office Space
– Our office space has ramp
to the window, however is
not accessible inside
Explore options to make office
fully accessible.
Next 5 years
Main Float Launch Ramp
– The ramp to the main
boat launch float is steep
and narrow
Assess feasibility to upgrade
launches with accessible
Next 5 years
Asphalt Infrastructure
– The walkways are old and
the asphalt areas are
bumpy due to tree roots,
erosion and settling.
As this is city property, discuss
options with the city to
improve accessibility.
Next 5 years

China Creek Campground and Marina (2011 Franklin River Road)
Description of Facility: China Creek Campground and Marina is a recreational camping site and marina operated by Port Alberni Port Authority on behalf of the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District. Successes include having a fully accessible washroom, three accessible parking spots clearly marked, widened entrance way to beach for accessible beach access and created accessible beach access parking spot and added picnic tables.

Barriers Actions Timelines
– Into the office is
accessible, no accessible
Review options to create
accessible washrooms in office
Next 5 years
Rustic Cabins
– The rustic cabins
available for rent are not
Explore costs of building one
accessible rustic cabin
Next 5 years
– The cabanas available for
rent are not accessible
Explore costs of building one
accessible rustic cabin
Next 5 years
– The walkways and path
around the campground
are wood chips, and not
particularly accessible.
Look into options for paving or
creating an accessible walkway
to the key camping amenities
Next 5 years
– There are no designated
accessible camp sites,
however all can be
accessed by vehicle
Assess the feasibility of having a
few of the sites marked
Next 2 years
– The Guesthouse above
the office is not
Explore accessibly options Next 5 years
– Accessible washrooms
available, but no
accessible shower
Actively exploring funding
opportunities to install
accessible shower
Next 3 years

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and other

Barriers Actions Timelines
Inclusive and accessible
Implement inclusive language
and communications policy
Next 2 years
No text to talk features Review options of software to
provide this feature on our
Next 2 years
No Colour Contrast options Review options of software to
provide this feature on our
Next 2 years
Online Accessibility Maps not
Create accessibility maps of
Next 5 years

The Procurement of goods, services and facilities

As we are a small port, we do not have a designated procurement department. Each manager is responsible for their own procurement of goods and services.

The design and delivery of programs and services
As we are a small port, we do not actively deliver programs and services. However, we can be more
proactive in having information on accessibility more available.

Barriers Actions Timelines
Communications about
accessibility and how to request
an accommodation are not
available to public
Review and update our website
to have clear guidelines on how
to request special
Next 2 years
Internal communications about
accessibility regarding policies
Create an accessibility policy for
staff, including accessibility
Next 2 years

We do not provide any mainstream transportation services.

Barriers Actions Timelines
No accessible maps of areas Review and create accessible
Next 2 years
Parking As referenced in our physical
barriers section of this report,
we endeavor to demark and
clearly label accessible parking
areas for all of our sites.
Next 5 years


This accessibility plan has been created with input from the community. It will continue to be updated and improved with input from persons with disabilities. Consultations were conducted in person and online.

Online engagement includes information on our website and a survey with questions and requesting feedback. This link was also shared on our social media and with other community partners, such as WorkBC, Port Alberni Community Living and others. In May 2024, we held an in-person meeting at an accessible location. This event was advertised through our social media, newspaper and newsletter.