
To be a thriving and diversified international port.

About Us

The Port Alberni Port Authority, originally established in 1947 as a Harbour Commission, has a rich history of maritime operations and community collaboration. Governed initially by the Harbour Commission’s Act of 1964, it evolved into its current form on July 1, 1999, under the Canada Marine Act, following its Royal Assent in June 1998.

As an Agent of the Federal Crown, the Port Alberni Port Authority operates independently from the federal government while contributing 2% of all gross revenue to it. Additionally, we hold a Headlease with the Province of British Columbia, managing the foreshore of certain waters in the Alberni Inlet and sharing 50% of the gross revenue earned within these waters with the province.

Our long-standing Accord with the City of Port Alberni, in place since 1987, demonstrates our commitment to community partnership. This agreement ensures annual payments to the city and fosters a collaborative spirit on mutually beneficial projects.

Port Alberni Harbour, one of the finest deep-sea inland harbours on the North American continent and the closest deep-sea port to the Pacific Rim, can accommodate vessels up to panamax size. The Port Authority oversees day-to-day harbour operations and the long-term development of waterfront facilities, including recreational marinas and secondary industries.

We are dedicated to economic diversification and sustainable development, guided by our vision to be a thriving, diversified port and our mission to facilitate profitable maritime trade and marine-related tourism and industry. Our professional management team ensures financial solvency through market-based rates and prudent financial practices.

The Port Authority operates five successful marinas and manages over 100 leases and land exchange agreements. Our terminal, operable 24/7, has three deep-sea berths and a 17-acre storage assembly area, historically handling a variety of goods, including lumber, pulp, and logs.

With a Master Plan in place to guide long-term land and water use, we are committed to meeting the needs of our customers and the community, ensuring the economic viability and stability of our operations.

Our Brands

As a diversified Port we expanded our tourism portfolio with China Creek Campground & Marina and into local food production and processing with The Dock+.

Partners we work with

At Port Alberni Port Authority, we pride ourselves on our strong partnerships with industry leaders, local businesses, and community organizations. Together, we drive economic growth, foster innovation, and ensure sustainable development. Discover the valued partners who help us achieve our mission and vision.

Get In Touch

Have questions or need more information? We’re here to help! Contact us today and let’s connect.